Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I am reminded of the great philosopher Kenli Shea Edwards who once wrote: "Halloween is like the world's Grub." Truer words have never been spoken. What are the basic, universal elements of Grubs?

1. costumes
2. food
3. entertainment

All encompassed by the holiday we affectionately refer to as Halloween. There are random requirements that must be met as well, however, in order to truly attain "grub status."

1. There must, at some point, be someone dressed in 80's attire.
2. An obnoxious personality should and will overthrow the previously planned powers at be to steal the show, or at least in their own minds.
3. There must, at some point, be someone dressed like a Redneck.

Friends, when you hand Matt Foster cut-off wranglers, aviator sunglasses, workboots and a megaphone, he meets all of those requirements. So in an attempt to only reinforce the North's already preconceived notion that because I have a Texas Driver's License I am a Redneck, I present to you... DeWayne: The reason New Yorkers believe we think as slow as we talk.

Complete with the "Redneck and Blue Collar" shirt as well as the official Larry the Cable Guy "GitRDone" camouflage hat, these are all official Redneck items found at... you guessed it -- none other than Wal-Mart itself. It would be a crime to settle for anything less. "If it's not at Wal-Mart, you don't need it." Yet, perhaps my favorite costume at the party with the boys was Ryan and Mary Beth, as the overzealously excited about Halloween grandparents:

Don't be too surprised if you see this picture again as their Christmas Card.

A couple other pictures from the evening:

A shout out to Max and Nicole (right) who let my boys and I come over and wreck their house for a night, which they allow all the time -- as well as Lauren, for meeting the previously stated 80's garb prerequisite.

Two of my favorite ladies here at the Ranch, Fern and Ellie.

And finally, for an explanation of the evening's events: That's what happens when you gather 3 Foster generations together in the same room -- just look at Chief's face...

oh my goodness...i haven't laughed out loud like that in a Loooong while! tell ryan and mary beth they officially hold status as the "funniest couple" in my mind...that's HUGE! miss you guys...good to see pictures...and good to see that your hair is extremely long. :)
Seeing the way you act in public reassures me that the ACU College of Biblical Studies will always be at the forefront of the theo/academic globe.
Love the shout out and loved your hilarious blog. Miss you. Tell Ryan and Mary Beth hello.
I would like to credit Lajuana Peeples, Amanda's mom with the Notorious Wal-mart quote!!!
Anyways, I seriously laughed outloud when I read this and saw the pictures. My boss just happened to walk by then and catch me looking at a redneck on my computer. Ryan and Mary Beth are hilarious! Miss you guys...
WHEN SHOULD I COME VISIT? I've looked and tickets are reasonably affordable!!!
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