Tuesday, December 13, 2005

These Little Town Blues...

They're not really melting away, but I will admit that I am beginning to grow in my appreciation for going into the city. Usually a trip into the city felt like a taxing three day journey that took twice as long to recover from, but after the last couple of visits I am beginning to appreciate the value of making a random, unplanned, non-touristy trip into the city. Is it still taxing? You bet, getting up early on a Saturday just to walk around all day in the freezing cold is never anyone's idea of a relaxing day off, nor is the crowded ride home on the train, looking over my Rabbinic friend's shoulder to read a little Talmud because I can't sleep on a plastic chair at a 90 degree angle constantly jolting about.

It is the best time of year to be in the city without a doubt; Christmas time that is. The whole place is hopping, people are everywhere, just like the decorations. They take it pretty serious there, as is indicated by the countless decorated shop windows, unending side shows, the naked cowboy still... well... naked, even in 20 degree weather, not to mention the huge tree -- as if it wasn't indication enough.

But if you really must know the secret to my fun in NYC -- kicking pigeons in Central Park. Not really, but that would be fun, not that such a feat wasn't attempted or even achieved during my time there, but there is more to it than that. There's something about being in Central Park in the snow, watching kids sled down a hill, parents slipping on the ice, the animals at the zoo doing what they do, and above all, finding peace in the middle of chaos. Even the squirrels are friendly, and the pigeons too friendly for anyone's liking.

Meeting up with friends means so much more in the city, maybe it's because you're excited to finally see someone you know, or maybe it's just because you know you're done running around, regardless, it is a special

occassion. Whether it's meeting for lunch at Bubba Gump's, coffee at a bookshop, or a cigar in Bryant Park, to me, the secret to a successful trip in the city is the ability to surpass the chaos and find the peace, the rest, the relaxation that the city that never sleeps can offer. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere -- true words Frank, true words.

your hair is so stinkin' long.
so what exactly were you hunting when you wore that camo?
I agree with Emily... I'm jealous of your hair and that kind of freaks me out. Hope you got to go home for awhile at Christmas!
so, uh, i tried to call you yesterday (new years eve) so that you could go to lij and neene's with us, but the recording i got was just some hispanic lady saying numbers in spanish. sooo, either you think you're really funny and got a new voicemail, or i don't have the correct cell number for you anymore---point made regarding my visit to new york too---two bummers. anyway, heard you were in town, wish we could have seen you! hope you are doing wonderfully!
Hey Matt its your cuz Gary man this blog is awsome and its good to see that your doing well. If you want you can e-mail me @ garyjr@rowpros.com
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