Saturday, January 21, 2006

Thank You

Many thanks to all who thought it possible that i wrote the Chuck Norris facts. I am honored that you would give me that kind of credit. I put a little disclaimer at the very bottom, but apparently it wasn't clear enough. I received it as an email, and have no idea who truly wrote it, but like CBlair I was the office idiot laughing uncontrollably. I put it on the old blog to get someone else to laugh at it, because none of the residents knew who Chuck Norris was, and I was feeling alone in my appreciation. I take that back, one kid knew him through the info-mercial that he did with Christy Brinkley. After I told him that he was almost 65 years old he responded with "65! D%#@, cuz is diesel!" True... true. Anyway, after 25 minutes of attempting to explain Chuck Norris (an impossible task to begin with) , I gave up and came to the computer.

Thank you Cody, for the shout out on your blog, unwarranted as it may be, and thanks to Daniel Carlson, for his exhaustive research which found even more true facts about Chuck Norris. Finally thank you Nathan Dahlstrom for sending the email that made my day.

I'll take these last few moments to pick on Nathan, a. because he is a good friend and mentor, and b. because I know he never reads this. In fact, when I sent out the email notifying everyone that I had a blog, his exact response was:

"That was great Matt. a site dedicated to you and the odd chance one of the 10 billion people you mailed it to are interested in an unpersonal tribute to yourself.

Just kidding, but no really.

Nah just kidding, but no really.


Nathan Dahlstrom was the man that got me started in this Boy's Ranch Industry, or more importantly the business of "making men". Long were the hours we spent around a campfire discussing guns, horses, ministry and everything in between. From baling hay to cooking bacon, catching fish to roping calves, boys learned. They learned new skills, new hobbies, new escapes, new identities, and a new definition of masculinity. A man, defined not by what he did, but what he could do; a man after God's own heart, and that man for us was Nathan Dahlstrom. I always knew that ministry existed beyond the official title, but it was never more truly personified than through him. Together we would watch as God worked on the hearts of His "boys" at the Ranch, molding and shaping them into His own, into more than boys... into men. And it is because of his investment in not only the boys, but in me, that I have found an industry, an occupation, a "business" that I love and hold dear, a front row seat into God's business, the business of making men.

It's been a while since Nathan has been on this Ranch, but he's still in the business. As we speak he's listening to the calling of a gracious God who desires for His "lost boys" to become men after His own heart, and Nathan is willing to be that sharpening tool. Whetstone Boy's Ranch, based on the Proverb, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" (27:17) with God's help will accomplish just that, sharpened tools ready for the world ahead. Leaving not with the confusion and timidity of the boy who entered, but the strength and courage of the man he's become.

Currently he resides in Lubbock, with his heroic wife and precious daughters, 8 horses, lab and pet coon. If that's not a man after my own heart, I don't know who is. Thank you, Nate, for all that you've done and will continue to do.


In true Cody Blair fashion I will conclude with a pic of the day:

Here's Soren and Liv, two of the most entertainingly precious little girls you'll ever meet, Huck the lab and Lily the coon.

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